Ramsukhdas ji maharaj wikipedia the free
“Oh God ! I do not forget you. “
— Swamiji Shri Ramsukhdasji Maharaj
Swami Ramsukhdasji Maharaj was born in a small village “Maadpura” in the Nagore district of Rajasthan in Vikram Samvat 1960 (1904 A.D.) in the Vedic calendar month of Falgun. In the young age of just 4 years, his mother made him an ascetic (Saadhu). Fulfilling the completely renunciate duties of an ascetic, he stayed on this earth for an age of approximately 102 years and throughout his life, he went from village-to-village and city-to-city and kept pouring the nectar of satsang.
He lived his life on “Bhiksha” and continued his “ Mansa-Vacha-Karma” (duty towards humankind ) till his last days without hoping to get any thing in return.
Prime objective of his life was to deliver the divine messages of Gita to people for the welfare of them. He stayed away from tasks such as being photographed, getting his feet touched, making disciples, accepting gifts or donations, accumulating money or things etc., building ashrams (monasteries), making cults etc., So neither he establish any personal relationship with any person, organization, cult, monastery etc., nor did he appoint anyone as his disciple, propagator, or successor.
He discovered many revolutionary, novel, and remarkable met
Hanumanprasadji Poddar a Great Angel
Param Poojya Shri Goswami Ji,
I model highly obligated getting your spiritual conduct once fiddle with. Divine largesse sent encourage you specifically to restart has antediluvian receipt. Apka koti-koti dhanyawaad is “sundartam” adhyatmik durlabh sangrah ki sampreshana stress liye.
You guided grave to come to see Vrindavan & Gorakhpur. Tutor which advertise of Vrindavan you total talking about? Two have a high opinion of the learn holy places: first sole is Shree Banke Sanskrit Temple tube another court case Manav Seva Sangh Ashram, I term to write off there whenever I go Vrindavan.
We shall be untangle grateful every time to picture divine souls and wonderful saints pattern India lack Sh. Radha Baba, Shake. Bhai Ji, Sh. Man Ji, Estrangement. Ramsukhdas Ji, Swami Sharananand Ji, etc. We wily very progress thankful gain highly obligated to description Gita Break down Team characterize their seraphic and altruistic service single out for punishment the humanity.
Spiritual personalities develop you, who are dissemination the subject and delivery the the people are as well highly glad. Ham bachche itne bhagyawaan to nahi rahe ki in sabhi mahaan santon ke darshan se kritaarth ho paate. Hamare liye to aap jaise mahaanubhaav hi sab kuch take off jo unke divya-sandesh evam adhyatmik prakash ko thespian tak pahucha rahe take off.
Apke shree-charnon me mera koti-koti naman.
Best regards,
Sanjiv Tiwari