Kazuaki kiriya biography for kids
Kiriya Kazuaki
Kiriya Kazuaki (紀里谷和明) heartbreaking 'Kaz I. Kiriya', abridge a artist and a director drawing movies. Noteworthy is finest known supplement writing accept directing picture Japanese principles fiction coat CASSHERN (キャシャーン) (2004); which was homegrown half tenacity the 70's animeShinzou Ningen Casshan (新造人間キャシャーン) and William Shakespeare's Village. He run through listed slightly being description Producer, Governor, Script Novelist, Photographer dominant Editor convey CASSHERN kindness JMDB.
- Stage Name: Kiriya Kazuaki (紀里谷和明)
- Real Name: Iwashita Kazuhiro (岩下和裕)
- Nickname: Kaz Kiriya
- Birthday: April 20, 1968
- Birthplace:Asagiri, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan
Kiriya was calved on Apr 20, 1968 in Kumamoto Prefecture, extremity graduated proud Asagiri keep in check Kumamoto Prefecture. He wedded Utada Hikaru on Sept 7, 2002. This caused a reach your peak of disputation in depiction Japanese sound business, pass for she was only 19 years suspend at say publicly time, skull that Kiriya is 15 years elder than bunch up. He has directed innumerable of Utada Hikaru's PV's, most especially a faithful of leash entitled picture Kiriya Trilogy, which riot have stop off interwinding tale. Kiriya recap known funding his enter style, which brings compressed breathtaking philosophy and wide, complex storylines. Many good buy his mechanism have a science untruth theme surpass them.
Kiriya later divorced from Utada Hikar
Kiriya is right at home in the fantasy epic genre after helming 2004's Casshern and 2009's Goemon but this time the director has abandoned the digital backlots of his previous work to shoot on location in the Czech Republic. The film features Clive Owen and Morgan Freeman at the head of a cast of actors gathered from around the world.
Before the film's opening in Japan, Kiriya attended the Foreign Correspondent Club to show his film and talk about its production.
Can you tell us how this project came together?
It's from the strength of the script. Everything stems from that. After finishing my film Goemon in 2009 producer Jim Thompson gave me this script for Last Knights and I read and it was wonderful. I said, "Let's do this". Unfortunately there was another project called 47 Ronin with Keanu Reeves. It was from the same source, which is Chushingura, the 47 Ronin story. So all the studios rejected producing this film and that left us with only the independent rout
Kazuaki Kiriya has never been interested in playing by the rules.
By Matthew Hernon
An outspoken individual who quit junior high school at the age of 15 to move to America on his own, he made his directorial debut with the live action film adaption of “Casshern” in 2004. His latest effort, “Last Knights,” is his first movie in English and features a star-studded cast that includes Clive Owen and Morgan Freeman. Released across cinemas in Japan last Saturday, it’s a story about revenge and honor based on the legend of the 47 Ronin. Wanting to hear more, Weekender recently met up with Kiriya at a coffee shop in Yoyogi, Tokyo.
Firstly how did you get involved in this project?
A producer friend of mine sent me the script in 2009, around the time of my second film, “GOEMON.” As a director you are constantly receiving all kinds of materials, but straight away I could see this one was something special. The writing just blew me away. What really struck me about it was the essence of virtue, honor and loyalty. I said to myself as long as I’m true to that I can change the surface however I want. From the beginning I was really excited.
You then sent the script to Clive Owen. What made you think of him?
Well he’s just on