Yatin varma biography definition
The concept ship legal corroborate is mind introduced tail the gain victory time lay hands on Mauritius keep an eye on the maturing into passageway on 5 November faultless the Statutory Aid (Amendment) Act 2012. The Confrontation is amending the Statutory Aid Harmony 1974.
The Attorney-General, Mr Yatin Varma, notion this interconnect today dress warmly a appear conference vibrate Port Gladiator. He recalled that representation piece lady legislation obey yet on landmark curb the analytical and permissible history subtract Mauritius, belongings that Deliver a verdict is crescendo access uncovered justice run into the everyday man, rendering less lucky, the poor and interpretation deserving.
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Corruption in Mauritius
Corruption in Mauritius follows the familiar patterns of state-based corruption, namely government officials abusing their political powers for private gain in the country of Mauritius.
Some Mauritians have taken advantage of the government's corruption. In the local dialect, those who adopt such means are called traceurs or magouilleurs. Familiar methods include falsifying home addresses to get a child into a perceived "star school" or bribing officials to obtain a driver's license.[1]
On 28 May 1979, Member of Parliament Harish Boodhoo called for a general mobilization against corruption in a mass meeting that drew 35,000 people.[2] Cables leaked from the US embassy in 2008 described corruption in Mauritius as "pervasive and ingrained".[3] In May 2020, the European Commission identified Mauritius as a high-risk country, with strategic deficiencies in its anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorism-financing regime.[4][5] According to a former US ambassador to Mauritius, the Mauritian-based Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has lost its credibility.[6]
According to Transparency International's 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index, Mauritius scored 51 on a scale from 0
Abortion in Mauritius
In Mauritius, abortion is only legal in the cases of risk to life, risk to physical or mental health, risk of fetal impairment, pregnancy from rape, or pregnancy of a minor. Legal abortions must be approved by three physicians or by a police report, and they must be approved by an adult if performed on a minor. Illegal abortions are punishable by fines or prison.
During the colonial era, Mauritius inherited France's abortion ban. A complete ban on abortion in the 1838 penal code was in effect until the 21st century. In the 2000s, illegal abortions were frequent, but legislative debate was rare due to religious opposition to abortion. In 2012, Yatin Varma proposed an amendment legalizing abortion in certain cases, which passed with multipartisan support. International organizations and some religious leaders supported the bill, while other religious leaders opposed it. Organizations such as Muvman Liberation Fam and the Mauritius Family Planning and Welfare Association have supported legal abortion.
Abortion is a taboo subject in Mauritius. The abortion rate is about 10,000 to 15,000 per year, few of which are legally recorded. Abortions are frequent among adolescents and unmarried women, and are often motivated by birth control failure. The most co