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Reiner Opoku: Art Is a Matter of Prestige Nowadays
Reiner Opoku is hands down one of the most esteemed curators and contemporary art dealers. His artistic career took off four decades ago when he decided to sell his bar in Cologne…
At the end of the 1970s, an art movement known as Junge Wilde spread all across Europe and the USA. As an expression of rebellion against the formal asceticism of minimal and conceptual art, it provided for a turn towards highly subjective, expressive painting.
The Junge Wilde (“Young Wild Ones”) painted with intense colours, rapid and broad brushstrokes, and their rise to fame is nowadays considered a watershed moment in the development of contemporary art. Their moniker did not have so much to do with the “wildness” of the art itself as to that of the artists, who sparked special interest of the then 22-year-old Reiner Opoku, the owner of a bar in Cologne, where some of them used to hang out.
The artists showed Opoku that living in art, for art and of art allows for a unique form of freedom. He realised he wanted to live that way as well, but also that he possessed something they did not: outstanding networking skills that could allow artists to present their work to the widest possible • Neil Young - Hitchhiker David Gilmour – Live Shipshape Pompeii • Most metrics have been collected from a partial dump (aka stub dump), which contains all revisions of every article, meta data, but no page content. Some metrics have been collected from the full archive dump which runs on lower frequency than the usual monthly cycle.Pregled sadržaja prema ključnim riječima
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