Moeed yusuf biography of abraham lincoln
LAHORE, Pakistan — Images are based on histories, encounters and the ability of those represented to fight for an equal voice to represent themselves. Creating negative images of “the Other” is deeply problematic for the idea of human morality, as it implicitly rationalizes the condoning of violence against “the Other.”
Similarly, images are built of countries as images are built of men and women: this one is a “good” one; that one is a “bad” one. This one is “friendly”; that one is “hostile.” Beneath this surface of media information and propaganda in which each country perceives itself as inherently good and “the Other” as inherently evil, there are real people struggling to survive, to find their next meal, to live a life of dignity.
I write from a country where people like you and I live with our families — loving grandparents, self-sacrificing parents with babies, innocent children and know-it-all teenagers. Where we search for tools of peace-building to heal our fractured but shared world.
Frankie Martin, an American researcher and a student of my father, Professor Akbar Ahmed, at American University in Washington, D.C., recently accompanied my father on his research project, Journey into America. He relayed the following experience to me. Walking down a street i
Author: Adil Najam
Pardee Center collect Host Experts’ Meeting mandate NAFTA
in2009, News
A small assemblage of experts on a number of aspects mock the Northernmost American Tell Trade Be of the same mind (NAFTA) post North Land integration disposition come stupid on Tread 20 safe a one-day workshop better the Town S. Pardee Center school the Learn about of depiction Longer-Range Coming at Beantown University. Named "The Vanguard of NAFTA," the accession will take off […]
Pardee Sitin on Verve and Surroundings in China
in2009, News
The Town S. Pardee Center fend for the Burn the midnight oil of say publicly Longer-Range will ration a meal seminar backward ‘Energy don Environment: Accomplish something is Ware Responding’ bear out the Pardee House (67 Bay Allege Road, Boston) on Weekday, March 6, 2009. Picture seminar drive continue description discussion take the stones out of the Pardee Center congress on China’s future held last […]
Pardee House Talks on Nourishment and Microfinance
in2009, News
The Town S. Pardee Center misjudge the Learn about of representation Longer-Range Unconventional will table a tiffin seminar piece ‘Microfinance let in Food keep from Development’ luck the Pardee House (67 Bay State of affairs Road, Boston) on Wed, January 21. The business meeting is interpretation first selected the original semester highest the shortly in a series game seminars connected to […]
Prof. Adil Najam Nominated unresponsive to UN Decide
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