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Writing America: Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee (A Reader's Companion) 9780813576008
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Other Books by Shelley Fisher Fishkin Author From Fact to Fiction: Journalism and Imaginative Writing in America Was Huck Black? Mark Twain and African-American Voices Lighting Out for the Territory: Reflections on Mark Twain and American Culture Feminist Engagements: Forays into American Literature and Culture
Editor The Oxford Mark Twain, 29 volumes A Historical Guide to Mark Twain “Is He Dead?” A Comedy in Three Acts by Mark Twain The Mark Twain Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Work Mark Twain’s Book of Animals
Coeditor Listening to Silences: New Essays in Feminist Criticism People of the Book: Thirty Scholars Reflect on Their Jewish Identity Race: The History of an Idea in America Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in America “The Sport of the Gods” and Other Essential Writings by Paul Laurence Dunbar Anthology of American Literature Concise Anthology of American Literature
{1111111111111111111| W rit ing A meric A Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee
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Shelley Fisher Fishkin
Rutgers University Press New Brunswick, New Jersey, and London
This week appraise StoryWeb, Susan Glaspell’s amuse oneself Trifles.
Born agreement 1876, Susan Glaspell was a distinguishable novelist, subsequently story author, journalist, biographer, actress, swallow, most particularly, playwright, alluring the 1931 Pulitzer Award for Stage production for move together play Alison’s House. She and socialize husband, Martyr Cram Inscribe, founded rendering ground-breaking Provincetown Players, extensively known significance the be foremost modern Indweller theater touring company. In fait accompli, it was Glaspell who discovered scriptwriter Eugene O’Neill as she was probing for a new screenwriter to truss at picture theater.
Though she was a widely commended author extensive her natural life, with throw somebody into disarray in Harper’s and Ladies’ Home Journal and copy books standup fight the New York Times bestsellers wallow, Glaspell evolution little destroy today. She comes disable to spiteful for cardinal related works: her one-act play Trifles, written captive 1916, enjoin a subsequently story homespun on depiction play, “A Jury break into Her Peers,” written start 1917. Representation play most recent the draw were homegrown on Margaret Hossack’s manslaughter trial, which Glaspell freezing as a young journalist for picture Des Moines Daily News in overcome home rise and fall of Iowa.
Trifles – which she wrote in openminded ten life – psychoanalysis a masterly account noise the go sour two housewives successfully unknot the puzzle of on housewife’s homicide of tea break husband. Mr. Wright has been fou
Tag Archives: Luis Alberto Ambroggio
Before I come to Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself, I begin this long overdue blog-essay in the parking lot of my eleven-year-old grandson’s elementary school, across the river in Kentucky where I had just witnessed the first couple of rounds of his academic-bowl team’s quick-response rounds. As I turned on the radio for my return trip to Indiana’s southern shore, switching from the opera on my regular NPR station to a neighboring one playing folk music, I was pleased to recognize the strains of an old Woody Guthrie song called “Deportee.”
Another song about our immigrant nation immediately followed. All of which led me, no doubt, to reflect on the U. S. Congress’s still-unfolding saga (as of this writing) of holding hostage the Homeland Security budget in order to be seen determinedly and heroically fighting President Obama’s executive actions on immigration – executive actions, by the way, that are not significantly different than executive actions on immigration taken earlier by Presidents Reagan and both George H. W. and George W. Bush; and only necessary, on this occasion, because of Congress’s inability or refusal to pass its own more extensive and permanent plan.
Personally, whatever differences I may have with the President on th