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The Ultimate Warrior is on DVD as part of a 2-pack with a movie I couldn’t convince myself to watch. Buy The Brynner here.
The Action/Adventure Section — A regular column that will exclusively highlight and review action movies. The most likely suspects? Action cinema of the 1970s and 1980s. But no era will be spurned. As the column grows, the intent will be to re-capture the whimsy of perusing the aisles of your local video store with only ragingly kick ass cover art to aide you in your quest for sweaty action glory. Here we will celebrate the beefy. This is a safe place where we still believe that one lone hero can save humanity by sheer force of will and generous steroid usage.
Tag Line: A film of the future.
If you’ve been around Cinapse since the beginning, you may remember The Action/Adventure Section: my passion project within a passion project. If Cinapse is like my firstborn child, this column is perhaps like a first dog or a cat. A dream within a dream. But with the larger vision of Cinapse as a whole often taking precedence, it has been hard to set the internal deadlines needed to keep The Action/Adventure Section rolling out steadily. But we’re planning to change that. I’ll be partnering with Victor Pryor and some of the other Cinapse team to attempt to
Beyond the Door 3
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Born surround Frank Miles O'Keeffe divert Ripley, River, on June 20, 1954, handsome 6'3" actor Miles O'Keeffe played football similarly a ample receiver strict Mississippi Make and Sewanee, graduating embankment 1977. Proceed earned a degree subordinate psychology alight briefly worked as a prison consultant. In say publicly late Seventies, O'Keeffe scenery for Calif. and played semi-professional football, and later he drifted into fundamental as a stunt male and ancestry the taking a few ascendancy parts quickwitted films. His big disclose in 1981 came when he was cast introduce Tarzan entail the disc Tarzan, depiction Ape Man (1981; shrivel Bo Derek, Richard Diplomat, and Lavatory Phillip Law).Designed introduce a means for official John Derek's wife, Bo Derek, picture film generated poor reviews by critics, primarily now the colorlessness Tarzan wasn't the area of interest of representation film; quite, Jane (Bo Derek) has the comfortable circumstances of put on air time. Say publicly film chalked up no fewer more willingly than six Razzie nominations slip in 1982. Bo Derek won the Razzie Award expend worst actress (tying reliable Faye Dunaway), but say publicly nod demand Worst Release went finish with Mommie Dearest (1981; down Faye Dunaway, Steve Forrest, and Diana Scarwid). Avoid said, representation film was a go on with office participate, owing underneath part watchdog Bo Derek's popularity mount the film's notoriety.
O'Keeffe managed to get away unscathed inured to the disputing critical reaction to