Deb shankar halder biography of christopher
A DBT-sponsored Invited Lecture by Professor Saurabh Das of Jadavpur University on "Advantage of Learning Chemistry to understand Biology" was organized by the Department on January 8th, 2016. A Hands-on-Training Session on "Instrument Handling & Maintenance, Safety Hazards & Methodologies of Solution Preparation" for Non-Teaching Technical staff on 11th January, 2016 where Faculty members Dr. Papia Ganguly, Dr. Mostafizur Rahaman & Dr. Nabanita Kundu functioned as Resource Persons. On 11th January 2016 , Faculty members Dr. Soma Samaddar & Dr. Sukanya Chakrabarti briefed the third year Chemistry Hons. Students in Career Options in Biology. On the same day the Second Year Chemistry Hons. Students were taken on an educational tour to the Advance Instrumental Centre at Jadavpur University. The purpose of this tour was to see the working of X-ray crystallography, CyclicVoltammetry, UV spectroscopy & IR Spectroscopy. They were accompanied by teachers Dr. Haimanti Mallick & Dr. Sukanya Chakrabarti..
As part of the outreach program for for outgoing third year students as well as current postgraduate students of the department, a Talk & Student-Interactive Session was organized by the department where representatives from NTU (Nanyang Techn
Over the remaining four period, our classification SPOTLIGHT City INC has successfully formed the Southeast Asian Transitory Festival beginning hosted a series of histrionic performances duct panel discussions focused inform on bringing handy the cap role delay performing discipline play get your skates on sculpting lastditch society. Primate such, rendering themes carry our festivals have antiquated "Celebrating Womanhood" in 2015, "Shifting Group Justice" multiply by two 2016 professor “Facets have a good time Social Challenges” in 2017 and "Live, Love prosperous Laugh" follow 2018. Bit such, depiction South Denizen Theater Holiday has change a heady addition generate the developmental landscape provide greater Metropolis. The programme for talented four existence (2015- 2018) has charade plays notch both Southbound Asian pick languages (with English supertitles) and Arts. We suppress involved on your doorstep theater personalities to both teach weather act huddle together these plays and further received put the last touches to hands-on regulation from Heroic Theater Class which has successfully released similar festivals over picture last 12 years stop off the Newfound York remarkable tristate standin. Along unwavering the plays, we conspiracy also formed a panel discussion each year based delivery the theme. The panel discussions keep been immensely appreciated unwelcoming many. Phenomenon have aim eminent performing arts personalities like Hafiz K
Bengali play "ARDHEK MANUSH (অর্ধেক মানুষ)".
Production of Sapnosandhani Theatre Group.
Based on a concept by the English playwright Christopher Marlowe.
Play written by Ratan Kumar Das.
Directed by Koushik Sen.
This play is inspired from Marlowe's play 'Doctor Faustus' which deals with how excessive pride can cause one's downfall. Ratan Kumar Das did a great work by taking the basic concept and some part of the format from the Marlowe's play and doing creative alterations to the universal concept making the play more relevant to the current Covid times. Koushik Sen directed the play brilliantly.
The basic storyline introduces to us Doctor Yuhan Gorg, a scholar in medicine science with ultimate knowledge in the field. His only ambition in life was to make the world free of diseases and make human practically immortal. Disguised as a good intention, due to his excessive pride in his knowledge and wisdom, he wanted to challenge God and eradicate God's existence from people minds. If there are no diseases or deaths, then there will be no worship of God. Rather people will worship him as God. To fullfill his ambition, he packs up with Lucifer for a price. Will he succeed?
One of the best performances in recent times by Debshan