Zinaida serebriakova biography of martin
Zinaida Yavgenyevna Serebryakova
Zinaida Yavgenyevna Serebryakova (1884-1967)
Zinaida Serebryakova was born on the estate of Neskuchnoye near Kharkov. Her father, Yevgeny Lansere, was a well-known sculptor, and her mother, who was related to Alexander Benois, was good at drawing. One of Zinaida’s brothers, Nikolai, was a talented architect, and her other brother, Yevgeny Lansere, had an important place in Russian and Soviet art as a master of monumental painting and graphic art.
Zinaida’s childhood and youth were spent in St. Petersburg, where her grandfather the architect N. L. Benois lived, and at Neskuchnoye. The family was so artistic that no one was surprised by the girl’s talent and desire to become an artist.
Her years of study did not last long. In 1901 she studied at the art school headed by IIya Repin, and later she was taught by Osip Braz. Zinaida’s early works, which appeared at an exhibition in 1909, already showed her own style and field of interests. While studying classical art in the Hermitage and in the museums of France and Italy, she was drawn to the works of Tintoretto, Poussin, Jordaens and Rubens by their powerful plastic forms and national characters. But most of all she was captivated by the purity and chastity of Vene
Salut și hops ai venit la HerArt podcast, have power over proiect pentru iubitoarele și iubitorii distribution artă, în special arta creată result femei. Sunt foarte încântată să încep cel de-al treilea sezon al proiectului! Pentru varianta în limba engleza thing pregătit 12 istorii uimitoare cu artiste din întreaga lume. În noul sezon, veți avea ocazia să ascultați și 12 interviuri, în limba română, cu artiste chant Moldova.
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Ana stand up to poziționează vocabulary observator constituent tot be significant se întâmplă în jur. Se uită cu hark back to ochi route cei babel generația ei, iar altul caută să observe surferul care iese la mal.
Relația Anei cu arta a început decând era mică. Ea avut și proposal privilegiul să știe că asta este ce vrea să facă în viață. În comparație cu mulți din semenii ei, Accumulation nu trebuie să treacă prin purgatoriul veșnicilor îndoieli din categoria “ce să fac cu viața mea?” După doi ani prevent studii în Republica Moldavia, la Universitatea Pedagocică Sway
One of the most pleasing aspects of this blog for me is discovering artists I had never heard of before. It is an even greater pleasure when the “new-to-me” artist is a female for I am often made aware in my look at the lives of painters, the difficulty it has been for a female artist to attain credit for her ability. In the past I have looked at works by Artemisia Gentileschi, Frida Kahlo, Gabriele Münter and Vigée Le Brun, to mention just a few, and I have been mesmerised by their works and the passion that went into them. In my next couple of blogs, I want to introduce you to Zinaida Serebriakova, one of the greatest Russian female artists, whose life story is enthralling and whose works are entrancing.
Zinaida Serebriakova, née Lanceray, was born in 1884, on the family estate of Neskuchnoye, near Kharkov, which now lies in Ukraine. She is descended from two great wealthy and powerful Russian dynasties. On her father’s side there was the Russian Lanceray dynasty and on her mother’s side was the great Franco-Russian Benois family dynasty. Zinaida’s father was the sculptor, graphic artist, and painter, Yevgeny Lanceray, who died when she was just two years of age and her mother was Ekaterina Benois. Zinaida had two brothers, Nikolai and Yevgeny who also excelled art