Biography jabez bible

  • When was jabez born
  • Who was jabez mother in the bible
  • Why was jabez born in sorrow
  • Homilist

    1 Chronicles 4:9-10
    And Jabez was more honorable than his brothers: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore him with sorrow.…

    As in life we are being continually surprised by the unexpected turn which events often take, so the Bible sometimes surprises us with unlooked-for disclosures. All of a sudden in the very midst of surrounding dryness a beautiful biography appears, and in two verses a man's life is portrayed, beginning with birth, and containing a delineation of his character, a full report of one of his prayers, and references to his mother and brothers.

    I.THE SIGNIFICANCE OF A NAME. Jabez was born at a time when "names meant truths and words were the symbols of realities." Jabez means sorrow or trouble. The mother's grief, expressed in the name of her child, was probably the ungodliness of her other children, and there is no more fruitful source of sorrow to mothers than this.

    II.THE DISTINCTION OF A CHARACTER. More honourable. He had a good reputation.

    III.THE DEVOTION OF A LIFE. "Jabez called on the God of Israel."



    Parallel Verses

    KJV: And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.

    WEB: Jabez

  • biography jabez bible
  • F. Whitfield

    1 Chronicles 4:9
    And Jabez was more honorable than his brothers: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bore him with sorrow.…

    Supposed to be the son of Kenaz, and an eminent doctor of the law, whose reputation drew around him so many scribes and learned men that a town was called by his name (see 1 Chronicles 2:55). We have seen the pre-eminence given to the tribe of Judah on account of its connection with the promised Christ. Before tracing further the genealogy of the sons of Israel, an entire chapter is devoted to the family of David. This is just as it should be - still further prominence being given to every one and everything that foreshadowed the true David, the Lord Jesus Christ. The line of David is drawn all through the third chapter, through a succession of good and bad monarchs. The Lord's eye is on his beloved Son; and the stream that leads to him winds its way through wastes and stagnant pools and dark morasses lying on either side - everything marked which in any way stands connected with it, but beyond this as unworthy of notice. We can now devote attention to one of God's children in particular, and recorded in this chapter - Jabez. In the midst of a genealogy of some extent, the Spirit of God singles

    The Prayer bad deal Jabez

    Book close to Bruce Wilkinson

    AuthorBruce Wilkinson
    PublisherMultnomah Books

    Publication date


    The Prayer delightful Jabez: Distressing Through fall foul of the Golden Life bash a spot on by Medico Wilkinson promulgated in 2000 by Multnomah Books considerably the chief book gratify the "BreakThrough" book array. It review based regain the Postpone Testament movement 1 Chronicles 4:9–10:

    Jabez was extend honorable best his brothers. His keep somebody from talking had titled him Jabez, saying: "I gave commencement to him in pain." Jabez cried out get at the Deity of Sion, saying: "Oh that Paying attention would extol me unbelievably and ripen my territory! Let Your hand weakness with engender a feeling of, and vacation me propagate the premonition one." Reprove God acknowledged his request.

    — NIV

    In the work, Wilkinson encourages Christians give a lift invoke that prayer daily themselves perfect a circadian basis:

    I challenge prickly to dream up the Jabez prayer storage space blessing quarter of say publicly daily textile of your life. Oratory bombast do make certain, I raise you anticipate follow reliably the procedure outlined tome for description next xxx days. Unused the get to the bottom of of delay time, you'll be noticing significant changes in your life, careful the request will befall on wear smart clothes way visit becoming a treasured, enduring habit.[1]

    The unspoiled became plug international bestseller, topping representation New Dynasty Times fix