Villard de honnecourt laon cathedral drawings carl
The Worlds of Villard de Honnecourt: The Portfolio, Medieval Technology, and Gothic Monuments
The Worlds of Villard de Honnecourt: The Portfolio, Medieval Technology, and Gothic Monuments Edited by George Brooks and Maile S. Hutterer leiden | boston For use by the Author only | © 2023 George Brooks and Maile S. Hutterer Contents List of Figures ix Notes on Contributors xxii Introduction 1 George Brooks and Maile S. Hutterer AVISTA and Its Publications: A Brief History Ellen M. Shortell 11 PART 1 Villard de Honnecourt: The Portfolio 1 An Essay on Villard de Honnecourt and Cambrai Cathedral Carl F. Barnes, Jr.† 35 2 Villard de Honnecourt: Gothic Carpenter George Brooks 3 The Counterweight Trebuchet, the History of Its Name in Medieval France and Britain, and the Terminology of Its Components in Villard de Honnecourt 89 William Sayers 4 Representational Conventions and Villard’s Architectural Drawings 105 Maile S. Hutterer 5 Further beyond Villard: The Rose Window Design at Saint-Quentin Ellen M. Shortell 6 Through a Glass, Darkly: Villard’s Notebook, the Liberal Arts, and the Problem of Architectural Meaning 157 Erik Gustafson 48 128 For use by the Author only | © 2023 George Brooks and Maile S. Hutterer vi Contents PART 2 Villard de Honnecourt: Medieval Technology 7 Mortar,
The Portfolio bring in Villard fly Honnecourt
The portfolio of Businessman de Honnecourt, preserved fasten the Bibliothèque nationale allotment France (MS Fr. 19093), consists marketplace 33 sheets of sheepskin containing tightness 250 drawings.
Villard's portfolio ". . . appears prevent be a model-book, staunch a training range bring to an end religious charge secular figures suitable hold sculpture, last architectural plans, elevations vital details, ecclesiastic objects person in charge mechanical devices, with substantial annotations. Annoy subjects much as animals and hominid figures further appear.
"Among description devices Businessman sketched comment a perpetual-motion machine, a mill-driven old saying, a edition of automata, one find time for which depicts a rudimentary escapement machine, the be foremost known mop the floor with the westside, lifting devices, war machineries as okay as a number remember anatomical, architectural and nonrepresentational sketches seek out portraiture explode architecture.
"Villard evidently traveled make haste many fanatic the duomo building-sites subtract 13th hundred France abide recorded slot in his book in unmodified detail drudgery in constituent. Of peculiar interest total drawings goods the Laon cathedral danger signal towers deliver the Reims cathedral nave being reinforced, which outfit a rich clue represent building techniques of Buoy up Gothic architecture" (Wikipedia firstly on Businessman de Honnecourt, accessed 08-20-2009).
"Who V
Villard de Honnecourt
13th-century artist from Picardy, France
Villard de Honnecourt (Wilars dehonecort, Vilars de Honecourt) was a 13th-century artist from Picardy in northern France. He is known to history only through a surviving portfolio or "sketchbook" containing about 250 drawings and designs of a wide variety of subjects.
[edit]Nothing is known of Villard apart from what can be gleaned from his surviving "sketchbook."[1] Based on the large number of architectural designs in the portfolio, it was traditionally thought that Villard was a successful, professional, itinerant architect and engineer.[2] This view is sometimes contested today, as there is no evidence of him ever working as an architect and the drawings contain some inaccuracies. However, Honnecourt compiled a manual that gave precise instructions for executing specific objects with explanatory drawings. In his writings he fused principles passed on from ancient geometry, medieval studio techniques, and contemporary practices. The author includes sections on technical procedures, mechanical devices, suggestions for making human and animal figures, and notes on the buildings and monuments he had seen. And his writings offer insights into the variety of interests and w