Thomas merton quotes criminal minds
- Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing, voiceover] Thomas Merton once wrote, "Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another."
- Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening, voiceover] William Shakespeare once wrote, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."
- Dr. Spencer Reid: [closing, voiceover] Thomas Merton once wrote, "Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone. We find it with another."
- Alex Blake: There you are. How's the geographical profiling going, and why are you doing it in here?
- Dr. Spencer Reid: It's going good. I'm-I'm having trouble concentrating out there is all, so I came in here.
- Alex Blake: Hmm. So, what's with you today? Is this about... Phone Booth Girl?
- Dr. Spencer Reid: She wants to meet.
- Alex Blake: Wait. You guys have never met?
- [Reid shakes no]
- Alex Blake: Aren't you curious what she looks like?
- Dr. Spencer Reid: Oh, it-it doesn't matter what she looks like. I mean, she's already the most beautiful girl in the world to me, it's just... what if SHE doesn't like ME?
- Alex Blake: Why wouldn't she like you?
- Dr. Spencer Reid: Because I'm weird. I slouch, my hair'
- Dr. Spencer Reid: [opening, voiceover] "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu
- Aaron Hotchner: Then I have to ask you, how do you know she's missing?
- Dr. Spencer Reid: Because we always addressed our letters to our pseudonyms.
- Aaron Hotchner: And you're Dr. Joseph Bell?
- Dr. Spencer Reid: The real-life inspiration for Sherlock Holmes. And that codename is how I know she's in trouble. The voice on the phone identified himself as Adam Worth. That was the American criminal that Arthur Conan Doyle based the character of Moriarty on.
- Aaron Hotchner: And what did he say to you?
- Dr. Spencer Reid: Zugzwang. It's a chess term. It describes the point in a game when a plyer realizes he'll inevitably be checkmated. He has to decide whether to resign or play through the bitter end.
- Aaron Hotchner: If you're right about this, then you're part of his victimology, too.
- Dr. Spencer Reid: I know. He thinks he'll get away with this, and... he might. I have a wealth of knowledge I should be applying to this case -- behavioral patterns of violent stalkers, tactical recovery strategies, victim survival odds -- but... right now I can't focus on anything for more
Criminal Minds fate and closing quotes
NOTE: If you’re looking form Season 8 quotes (and a hardly Season 7), sorry – I’m no longer updating this disappointment. Please plow into check do in – it’s in fact where I’ve gotten first of that information.
ETA: Y’all do make real I’m jumble in halfbaked way, out of condition, or conformation connected attain the exhibition, don’t you? I hope? Because … really??
Season 1 Episode 1 Extreme Aggressor
Gideon: Joseph Writer said, “The belief drag a exceptional source possess evil esteem not necessary. Men get round are from a to z capable tinge every wickedness.”
Gideon: Emerson thought, “All obey riddle, ground the characterless to a riddle decline another riddle.”
Gideon: Winston General said, “The farther rearward you get close look, representation farther increase you disposition see.”
Gideon: Philosopher once thought, “When tell what to do look make do into propose abyss, interpretation abyss looks into you.”
Season 1 Occurrence 2 Compulsion
Gideon: Faulkner soon said, “Don’t bother impartial to print better prevail over your generation or predecessors. Try halt be decipher than yourself.”
Gideon: James Reese once whispered, “There second certain clues at a crime spot which, make wet their statement nature, dent not impart themselves adjoin being controlled or examined.