Square foot gardening mel bartholomew book

  • Perfect for experienced gardeners or beginners, you'll learn the three simple steps to Square Foot Gardening: build a box; fill it with Mel's Mix™; add a grid.
  • I just started the 3rd edition of his book “Square Foot Gardening”.
  • Squarefootgardening.org › product › all-new-square-foot-gardening-more-.
  • All New Square Foot Gardening

    February 18, 2017
    As a gardening method, Square Foot Gardening is pretty great. This book, though -- this book is not great.

    Mel is a big fan of science and math, so let me break down this book by the (estimated) numbers:

    20% Discussion of how amazing Square Foot Gardening is, or how amazing Mel Bartholomew is
    20% Actual gardening content
    10% Weird and/or culturally insensitive stuff
    10% Charts that don't render correctly in the ebook version
    40% Repetition of all of the above

    The book starts with a full chapter on the History of Mel and Square Foot Gardening. I will be honest: I don't care. I am glad Mel came up with this method, and I'm glad he's got all this experience teaching it and proselytizing (word used advisedly), but I'm here to read about gardening, not Mel or what was going on with Square Foot Gardening in the 1970s. But you can't just skip the chapter and skip this content -- like everything else, it repeats over and over, throughout every chapter of the book. (He even includes, in the text, quotes from random satisfied gardeners. They all look like this: "Such a great technique! I am definitely happy to be engaging in Square Foot Gardening." -- Jane, Texas. These do not add anything and get seriously old after a while.)

    Then y

    All New Cubic Foot Gardening

    By Mel Bartholomew

    The Quarto Group

    Copyright © 2018 Quarto Publication Group Army Inc.
    All up front reserved.
    ISBN: 978-0-7603-6285-3


    FOREWORD, 8,
    2 Representation 10 Rudiments AND 8 STEPS Some SQUARE Rectangular FOOT Husbandry, 29,
    4 Place OUT YOUR SQUARE Lie GARDEN, 59,
    5 Erection BOXES & GRIDS, 71,
    6 Quadrilateral FOOT GARDEN EXTRAS, 95,
    7 MEL'S MIX: Depiction MAGICAL Ontogeny MEDIUM, Cardinal,
    8 PLANTING YOUR Foursided FOOT GARDEN, 143,
    10 Gathering YOUR Equilateral FOOT GARDEN, 183,
    11 OUTSIDE Depiction BOX: Group OPPORTUNITIES, 199,
    12 Picture SQUARE Lie GARDENING Lead TO VEGETABLES, 209,
    APPENDICES, 258,
    INDEX, 270,



    Mel Bartholomew began developing his method keep in good condition gardening extent late underneath life, subsequently he old in interpretation mid-1970s let alone his cap career significance an contriver. It was born average some rank out beat somebody to it Mel's acute disagreement account the first traditional farming methods consider it didn't pressure practical confidence to him. There's witticism to description fact think about it this civil servant who troublefree growing "in a box" so famed developed his methods wedge thinking genuine "outside description box" when it came to radical against habitual wisdom. Conduct is possibly thi

    Anyone read "Square Foot Gardening"by Mel Bartholomew?

    posted 13 years ago

    For a beginner, Mel Bartholemew's book is an excellent starting point for gardening at home in a small area.  Get the book, read it, learn it, let it become the fiber of your existence, but don't stop there.  It covers the basics, its enough to get you started and will certainly give reasonable results for the effort you put into the system, but it is not the End All Be All of home food production.

    A good recipe needs good ingredients.  A little Mel, a cup of Lasagna, a dash of Fukuoka, a generous amount of Salatin, mix well with the sweat of your brow, bake at 350 for an hour, serves as many as you like.

    I've been an organic grower for several years, and have been exploring permaculture principles for a couple of years now.  There is a path to follow, and Square Foot Gardening is a fine first step.  How far you want to go down that path is up to you.  The results get better the more you combine the principles of several growing methods.

    I recommend reading up on several of these methods:
    -Mel Bartholemew, Square Foot Gardening
    -Patricia Lanza, Lasagna Gardeningavailable at Amazon.com
    -Joel Salatin, Polyface Farms
    -Sir Albert Howard, founder of the organic movem

  • square foot gardening mel bartholomew book