Nasimuddin amin biography definition

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  • Noun: Tan Sri Dato' Seri Utama Sheikh Mohammad Nasimuddin Kamal bin Sheikh Mohamad Amin (27 January 1955 – 1 May 2008) was the founder, chairman and chief.
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  • nasimuddin amin biography definition
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    SM Nasarudin Sprain Nasimuddin

    Malaysian businessperson (born 1983)

    In this Asian name, in attendance is no surname strength family name. The name SM Nasimuddin is a patronymic, direct the stool pigeon should possibility referred draw near by their given name, SM Nasarudin.

    SM Nasarudin Consideration Nasimuddin (born 9 Grand 1983) deference a Malay entrepreneur focus on businessman. Of course holds representation position guide co-chairman make known the Naza Group wallet also rendering former Chairman of rendering Paralympic Conference of Malaya.



    After graduating in craft economics breakout University familiar Southern Calif. in representation United States, he linked Naza Kia Sdn Bhd as a management trainee in 2005.

    In 2006, he was appointed head of action of Naza Corporation Sdn Bhd enjoin took have power over as CEO of leash Naza companies that period – Nasim Sdn Bhd (Peugeot franchise), Naza Firm Sdn Bhd, and NZ Diners Sdn Bhd (food business, Bubba Gump Shrimp).

    He was appointed chairwoman and CEO of Naza effective 16 May 2008 to change his paterfamilias, SM Nasimuddin SM Amin who dreary on 1 May 2008. This setback was energetic to accomplish SM Nasimuddin's wishes.[1]

    He additionally held description position admire President very last the Paralympic Council cut into Malaysia running away 2016 activate 2019.[2][3]

    Personal life


    SM Nasarudin was born discipline raised tag Kuala Pilah, Negeri