Mirko popovich biography of william shakespeare

  • CEEOL is a leading provider of academic eJournals, eBooks and Grey Literature documents in Humanities and Social Sciences from and about Central, East and.
  • By 1827 he married and v settled in Veliki Beckerek; frbm there he traveled through the Pannonian plains, painting iconostases, many portraits, and one.
  • The following bibliography is the twelfth one of international coverage published by the Modern Language.
  • The Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

    Main Body

    Painting: The Nineteenth Century

    In reaction to the Rococo style, a new artistic movement was born in Europe. Its name is derived from the Latin classicus – the excellent, the outstanding. Although the basis for it had been laid in the artistic colonies of 17th century Rome, its period dates have been established as 1760-1830.

    In Europe, this was an era of the rationalistic philosophy, of the French Encyclopaedists; in art theory, that was a period in which revival of classical forms were considered the ideal of beauty. There was a general quest for harmony, seriousness, and tranquility. Compositions were balanced, drawing was firm and clear, modeling had relief qualities, coloring was restrained, and subject matter favored classical themes.

    Taken altogether, these ideals may have exceeded an artist’s ability to assimilate – especially those which broke from the strong traditions of the past. Perhaps these ideals were too lofty to be acceptable to the society of Serbs living outside Turkish domination. However, aspects of this style were imported to Vojvodina, and were adapted to the specific needs of the new society.

    Painting, which dominated this movement among the Serbs, emerged under its own an

  • mirko popovich biography of william shakespeare
  • Serbian Studies_vol 19/1

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