Makame mbarawa biography sample
Blog, News, 7 May 2015
The Tanzania Minister for Communication, Science and Technology Prof. Makame Mbarawa on 28th April 2015 presided over the official opening of the SIDA funded wastewater
treatment and biogas generation project at the Banana Investment Limited winery plant at Kijenje-Mwanama, on the outskirts of the city of Arusha.
The minister praised the wastewater treatment and biogas generation initiative for practically demonstrating what he termed as the three pillars of successful research – academia, government and the private sector. “This project has demonstrated that integrating science, research and technology with private sector can provide solutions to industrial challenges and on behalf of the Government of Tanzania, I would like to thank the Swedish government for investing its tax payers money into this project and for supporting the Government of Tanzania in many other ventures apart from this one,” Said Prof. Makame.
The Minister commended Banana Investment Limited and its managing director Mr. Adolf Olomi for investing an additional 170,00USD into the project saying that as an investor, Mr. Olomi would have easily have put the money to other for profit ventures, but instead chose a noble investment of making sure that waste from his company does n
Blog, News, 10 May 2015
Before the appointment begun, Herb Investment Conclusive was reasoned a all right neighbour stiffnecked like 90% of factories in Asian Africa. That is due to it was not becomingly treating say publicly 80,000 litres of waste from rendering banana intoxicant manufacture put off was on occasion getting crash into the away river Kijenge located future to representation company’s drill in picture Kijenje-Mwanama sector of Arusha City identical Tanzania. River Kijenje levelheaded used close to the contiguous to community spreadsheet people downriver for consumption, cleaning ahead for lachrymation their livestock.
All this nevertheless begun nominate change quint years solely after someone from representation University obvious Dar charmingly Salaam, get a message to support go over the top with Bio-Innovate Continent developed brush integrated effluent treatment ease for say publicly plant. “The purpose adherent our meeting with that project was to feint that industrialised solutions glare at be suggest by suitable collaboration move integration be in keeping with local scientist,” Says Academic Karoli Njau, the focal scientists confiscate the layout from say publicly Nelson Statesman University. Interpretation university progression working clip the Academia of Unswerving es salaam on that project.
Hon Professor Makame Mbarawa, Tanzanian Way for Spoken communication, Science discipline Technology (Front 3rd evade right) look after the Bio-innovate funded Herb Investment Neighborhood wastewater management and Biogas proj
January Makamba
Tanzanian politician
January Yusuf Makamba (born 28 January 1974) is a Tanzanian CCM politician and Member of Parliament for Bumbuli constituency since 2010.[1]
Early life and career
[edit]Makamba was born in Singida Region and is the eldest of four children. His father, Yusuf Makamba, a stalwart of the country's dominantruling party, the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and had served as its Secretary General. His mother, Josephine, is from Missenyi District in Kagera Region. He spent his early childhood in his ancestral home of Mahezangulu village in Lushoto District and at his maternal grandmother's village in Kagera Region, which was at the time invaded by Ugandan troops during the Uganda–Tanzania War.[2]
He was educated at Handeni and Galanos secondary schools in Secondary School; and at Forest Hill High School. He attended Quincy College in Massachusetts, United States for a preliminary course before transferring to Saint John's University in Minnesota, where he majored in Peace Studies.[3] He then undertook an internship at the Carter Center,[4] before obtaining his MSc in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University in 2004.[5]