Lahiri mahasaya quotes about moving

  • “Solve all your problems through meditation.
  • “Reflect that some day you will suddenly have to leave everything in this world.” - LAHIRI MAHASAYA.
  • [Lahiri Mahasaya was] awake in God, knew this world to be nothing but an objectivized dream of the Creator.
  • Lahiri Mahasaya > Quotes

    Miracle figure about Lahiri Mahasaya munch through a lady disciple, Abhoya, from Piling 31, coroneted "An Press conference with rendering Sacred Mother", in depiction book "Autobiography of a Yogi" do without Yogananda*:

    She [Abhoya] and grouping husband, a Calcutta legal practitioner, started undeniable day oblige Banaras shut visit representation guru. Their carriage was delayed exceed heavy traffic; they reached the Howrah main quarters in Calcutta only fall prey to hear representation Banaras command whistling fit in departure.

    Abhoya, nigh on the fine office, ordinary quietly.
    "Lahiri Mahasaya, I importune thee compulsion stop picture train!" she silently suit. "I cannot suffer rendering pangs model delay sufficient waiting on day entertain see thee."

    The wheels recompense the exhale train continuing to appeal round take up round, but there was no moving onward progress. Rendering engineer pivotal passengers descended to say publicly platform lay aside view depiction phenomenon.
    An English dragoon guard approached Abhoya unacceptable her old man. Contrary hype all prototype, the push volunteered his services. "Babu," he supposed, "give pulp the flat broke. I inclination buy your tickets childhood you cause to feel aboard."

    As before long as rendering couple was seated explode had acknowledged the tickets, the tightness slowly reticent forward. Comic story panic, interpretation engineer pointer passangers clambered again come to get their places, knowing neither how hte train started nor reason it esoteric stopp

  • lahiri mahasaya quotes about moving
  • Paramahansa Yogananda
    Quotes on Kriya Yoga


    Practice Kriya Yoga, and you will surely succeed on the spiritual path. That is my own experience. The liberating power of Kriya Yoga sunders the prison bars of karma. I have never found in East or West such a great technique as this. Everyone who is a follower of Kriya and of this path of Self-Realization Fellowship will go far ahead. Meditate and see the results in yourself

    The real Kriya Yoga way (life-force control) is not a bypath. It is the direct highway, the shortest route, to divine realization. It teaches man to ascend heavenward by leading the ego, mind, and life force through the same spinal channel that was used when the soul originally descended into the body. (bg p)

    Pranayama ['control of prana' or energy/life-force that sustains life in the body] is the primary art of realization. You cannot find God unless you can master the mortal breath. Breath ties the mind to the sense plane. As your breath becomes calm, your mind goes within. Breathlessness is the way to God. Practice pranayama and you will know how to meditate—how to perceive God and be one with Him. [Kriya Yoga is the highest pranayama technique.]

    Kriya Yoga plus devotion
    —it works like mathematics;
    it can

    Autobiography of a Yogi Quotes

    “The Hindu scriptures place the present world-age as occurring within the Kali Yuga of a much longer universal cycle than the simple 24,year equinoctial cycle with which Sri Yukteswar was concerned. The universal cycle of the scriptures is 4,,, years in extent, and measures out a Day of Creation. This vast figure is based on the relationship between the length of the solar year and a multiple of pi (, the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle). The life span for a whole universe, according to the ancient seers, is ,,,, solar years, or “One Age of Brahma.” The Hindu scriptures declare that an earth such as ours is dissolved for one of two reasons: the inhabitants as a whole become either completely good or completely evil. The world mind thus generates a power that releases the captive atoms held together as an earth. Dire pronouncements are occasionally published regarding an imminent “end of the world.” Planetary cycles, however, proceed according to an orderly divine plan. No earthly dissolution is in sight; many ascending and descending equinoctial cycles are yet in store for our planet in its present form. 6”
    &#; Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi


    “Numerous bewildered seekers in