Julia turner slate biography of rory gilmore

  • Gilmore girls digger actor
  • Chris eigeman
  • Jason stiles
  • Fís Éireann

    Screen Ireland

    As the national agency for the Irish creative screen industry, Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland (Screen Ireland) is the creative partner to the sector, investing in talent, creativity and enterprise.

    We are inspired by original storytelling that will emotionally move audiences at home and abroad. Through a wide range of practical funding supports across development, production, distribution, promotion and skills development, Screen Ireland supports the sector at every stage.

    We support filmmakers in their creative pursuit to share valuable artistic, cultural and commercial stories on screen.



    When Catherine’s husband dies unexpectedly, a toxic legacy of ruin and deceit emerges. Catherine quickly realises that she must confront the realities of her new life which may even include financial destitution.

    Initially she struggles to deal with the overwhelming responsibilities ahead of her while also providing emotional support to her three adult children. However pride and determination brings out a strength of character beyond Catherine’s own expectations. As she deals with each problem head on, she discovers a new found sense of freedom along with the power to forgive and move on.




    Mad Men recap: Rory Gilmore joins the cast.

    See Slate’s interview with Alexis Bledel about this episode.

    Oh, Pete. I’m afraid I can’t defend his lovesick attachment to Beth, his train buddy’s wife. If Pete is determined to have an affair, this woman is a more palatable prospect than the bobby-soxer from driver’s ed. And Pete relates to Beth’s loneliness—she’s lost, and sad, and caroming around a big Connecticut house too. But it is jarring to see Alexis Bledel in the role. As much as I loved her on Gilmore Girls, her character here felt false, like a young girl broadly pantomiming suburban ennui. It made me appreciate anew January Jones’ formidable talents. Even the dialogue—including that post-coital conversation about the immersive beauty of Vincent Kartheiser’seyes—made her seem miscast.

    (Bledel’s character on Gilmore, however, was not unlike the one Alison Brie, Pete’s wife Trudy, plays on Community—high-strung good girl with a screw loose—so maybe he has a type?)

    As for Megan’s departure from SCDP, I liked how it unsettled the ranks. Her acting ambitions befuddle Peggy and Don because they can’t fathom a gig better than advertising. (“My dream was indoor plumbing,” Don tells Roger.)

    But Don isn’t just unsettled because advertising no longer seems as coo

  • julia turner slate biography of rory gilmore
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