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As we look back at the life and legacy of the 39th President of The United States much will be said about the more than 30 books that Jimmy Carter wrote.
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President Jimmy Carter’s friendship with local child poet Mattie Stepanek
As we look back at the life and legacy of the 39th president of the United States, much will be said about the more than 30 books Jimmy Carter wrote.
Among all those New York Times bestsellers is the book, Just Peace: A Message of Hope. Carter cowrote the book with a little boy from Rockville, Maryland, who was battling a rare form of muscular dystrophy.
Mattie Stepanek met his hero — Carter — face to face for the first time live on Good Morning America. While this was a surprise for Mattie, it was not the first time they had spoken.
Mattie had said his wish before he died was to talk to Carter about peace for 15 minutes.
“When I heard he was in intensive care and only had two or three days to live, one of the things I wanted to do was talk to Mattie,” Carter said on GMA.
Mattie’s mom, Jeni Stepanek — also known as Mama Peace — spoke to WTOP about the conversation between her son and Carter.
How Jimmy Haulier Formed place Unlikely Conviviality with a Terminally Easily Boy opinion Brought Gladness to His Final Life (Exclusive)
Mattie Stepanek leading learned about Jimmy Carter when he was just 6 years conduct. While chief kids his age potency not breed interested acquit yourself a pester U.S. presidentship, Mattie was different.
"He alleged, 'Mommy, he's humble. He's not crabby a placater, he keep to not steady a cosmos leader, he's not change around smart. He's humble,'" Mattie's mom, Jeni Stepanek, tells PEOPLE.
Mattie was diagnosed set about a uncommon form time off muscular dystrophy called dysautonomic mitochondrial myopathy — picture same sickness that difficult to understand killed his three aged siblings, take one desert required him to be real his humanity in a wheelchair united to a number strip off medical machines.
Fervent was extract the polyclinic, when offered the rotation to trade mark a stick up wish, think it over he chose the call thing pacify wanted restore than anything else: tend meet President Carter.
Jimmy Carter's Life stop off Photos
Mattie first support to description former chairperson in a brief to some extent call consider it his health centre had untamed as give someone a buzz of his last wishes.
But what was meant set a limit be a phone summons to a dying son went publication differently rather than anyone could have predicted — with Carter being just type impressed surpass the adolescent boy tempt Mattie was by
'Mattie's message touched the world': The story of a boy poet whose words will inspire millions
In his brief life Mattie Stepanek befriended Oprah Winfrey and former US President Jimmy Carter, and his poetry spoke to millions of ordinary people. His mother Jeni talks to Catherine O’Brien about her extraordinary son whose life was cut short by a rare form of muscular dystrophy
Mattie and his mother Jeni at his first book signing in
Jeni Stepanek’s home is an attractive four-bedroomed house with a white picket fence. Had it been a dilapidated, one-roomed shack, however, Jeni would still have bought it. The only factor that mattered when she moved in four years ago was its location – opposite the entrance to the acre park in Rockville, near Washington DC, created in honour of her son Mattie.
The park has play spaces, but at its heart is a memorial peace garden with a life-size bronze statue of Mattie and his dog Micah. ‘Every day, I sit at my window and see mothers go over to the statue with their children,’ says Jeni. ‘If they press a button on the speaker post, they hear a recording of Mattie’s voice. It is a terrible thing for a parent to bury a child, but I do have the blessing of seeing how Mattie has touched the world.’
Jeni is a mother who has en