Henrique de castro biography books

  • 1st Edition - Hardcover - Paris, Gillaume de Luyne, 1684.
  • Print length.
  • Knightly romance between Don Henrique and Princess Elisauira, in 9 books, set in Chile; historical events mentioned includes Magellan's.
  • Dom Henrique mundane Castro, insanitary la conqueste des Indes. 2 parts. - [RARE WORK Assertion CONQUISTADOR Fitful HENRIQUE Nurture CASTRO]

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    Bib ID:
    Book and Microform
    Loubayssin de Lamarca, Francisco
    Uniform Title:
    Historia tragicomica de Don Henrique de Castro. English
    • London : Printed by R.E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes ..., [1686]
    • [11], 167 p.
    Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 208:2.
    • Translation of: Historia tragicomica de Don Henrique de Castro.
    • Written by F. Loubayssin de Lamarca. Cf. BM.
    • Date of publication from Arber's Term cat.
    • Advertisement on p. [4]-[11] and 160-167.
    • Reproduction of original in British Library.
    Cited In:
    • Wing D1844
    • Arber's Term cat. II 156
    Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms, 1966. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early English books, 1641-1700 ; 208:2)
    Also Titled:
    Conquest of the Indies
    Available From:
    • UMI
    • University Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106

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    Reason for copyright status:
    Since 1711


    Historia tragicomica de Don Henrique de Castro

    Colophon on p. [1], 3rd count, reads: Acabado de imprimir en Paris, en la emprenta de Adrian Tiffeno, a costa de la viuda de Guillemot, a 19. de enero de 1617.

    Alden gives first printing as Paris, 1612 but Palau suggests the 1612 edition is a ghost.

    Knightly romance between Don Henrique and Princess Elisauira, in 9 books, set in Chile; historical events mentioned includes Magellan's circumnavigation and a description of the battle of Tucapel in 1559; also discussed tales of Spanish and Portuguese exploration in the New World.

    Signatures: ã⁸ (ã1 verso, ã8 recto blank) A-3I⁸ (E3 missigned C3)

    Errors in paging: Pages 166, 186, 305, 425, 427, 456, 536, 597, 763, and 875 are misnumbered 169, 189, 205, 245, 421, 446, 436, 579, 764, and 873.

    Title page is fully engraved within ornamental border; engraved portrait of the author bound to face p. 1, 2nd count, is considered to be p. [16], 1st count; head and tail pieces; initials.

    Palau y Dulcet (2nd ed.) 142662.

    Medina, J.T. Bib. hispano-chilena 42.

    Alden, J.E. European Americana, 617/79.

    Published in
    En Paris
    Other Titles
    Historia tragicomica de Don Henriqve de Castro.
  • henrique de castro biography books