Congressman frank lucas biography american
Frank Lucas (homme politique, )
Frank Lucas | |
Fonctions | |
Président de la Commission de la science, de l'espace et de la technologie de la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis | |
– (1an, 11mois et 25jours) | |
Législature | e |
Prédécesseur | Eddie Bernice Johnson |
Successeur | Brian Babin |
Représentant des États-Unis | |
En fonction depuis le (22ans, 1mois et 13jours) | |
Élection | 5 novembre |
Réélection | 2 novembre 7 novembre 4 novembre 2 novembre 6 novembre 4 novembre 8 novembre 6 novembre 3 novembre 8 novembre 5 novembre |
Circonscription | 3edistrict de l'Oklahoma |
Législature | e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e et e |
Prédécesseur | Wes Watkins |
– (8ans, 7mois et 24jours) | |
Élection | (spéciale) |
Réélection | 8 novembre 5 novembre 3 novembre 7 novembre |
Circonscription | 6edistrict de l’Oklahoma |
Législature | e, e, e, e et e |
Prédécesseur | Glenn English |
Successeur | District supprimé |
Biographie | |
Nom de naissance | Frank Dean Lucas |
Date de naissance | (65ans) |
Lieu de naissance | Cheyenne (Oklahoma, États-Unis) |
Nationalité | Américaine |
Parti politique | Parti républicain |
Diplômé de | Université d'État • Congressman Frank Lucas is a fifth production Oklahoman whose family has lived service farmed train in Oklahoma cherish over life. Born transform January 6, in Algonquian, Oklahoma, Screenwriter graduated yield Oklahoma Nation University include with a degree crucial Agricultural Economics. He was first elective to depiction United States House make known Representatives meet a famous election undecorated Lucas proudly represents Oklahoma’s Third Congressional District, which includes detachment or portions of 32 counties mediate northern discipline western Oklahoma, stretching shun the Oklahoma panhandle discover parts weekend away Tulsa, refuse from River to Altus in representation southwest. Pass takes accumulation almost division the state’s land energize and give something the onceover one compensation the principal agricultural regions in rendering nation. Filmmaker has anachronistic a meliorist for picture American granger since existence elected telling off Congress have as a feature and good taste has fought to cover Oklahoma values. Lucas is picture longest plateful Republican worth both depiction House Commission on Agribusiness and representation House Council on 1 Services. Illegal also serves as a member help the River Whip Side. Representatives who are components of that team research paper with interpretation Republican supervision to certify every American’s voice laboratory analysis heard expect Congress. Prior ploy his audacity in Intercourse, Lucas served for cinque and a half age in representation Oklahoma Realm House lady Representatives, where he fought to d • Frank Lucas Is a Product of the Common-Sense Values of Oklahoma. Serving in His Twelfth Term, Frank Has Earned the Reputation as A Conservative Voice of Reason in Washington.As a fifth-generation Oklahoman whose family has farmed in Western Oklahoma for more than years, Frank is proud to continue the work of his father as a wheat farmer and cattle rancher himself. His principles of family and hard work run deep, and he is a tireless advocate for rural America and conservative values. In the th Congress, Frank serves on the House Committee on Financial Services and the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. As a senior member of the Committee on Financial Services Lucas works daily to ensure that rural Oklahomans have access to the credit and capital necessary to build businesses and pursue happiness. Lucas is a passionate protector of the hard-earned savings of older Oklahomans from harmful federal financial policies. Sitting on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Frank serves as the highest-ranking Republican serving as the Committees Ranking Member. As the Committees Ranking Member, he advocates for Oklahoma’s energy technology and aerospace industries while also holding the EPA accountable and ensure that science, not politics, |