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  • 'Tucker' for Nov. 30

    Guests John Bolton, Ben “Cooter” Jones

    TUCKER CARLSON, HOST: It‘s p.m. in the East, as we continue live coverage of our breaking news—a hostage situation at the Rochester, New Hampshire office at Hillary Clinton‘s presidential campaign.

    This afternoon around p.m. a man described as deranged, possibly drunk, walked into the Clinton office. He opened his jacket, declared that he had a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape and reportedly demanded to speak with Senator Clinton.

    Since that time, four hostages have been released and night has fallen. According to NBC‘s Boston‘s affiliate, WHDH, one hostage remains inside the headquarters the perpetrator. Police call the situation stable, but fluid.

    Senator Clinton was in Washington when the hostage situation began.  She canceled her afternoon schedule here. The John Edwards and Barack Obama offices nearby were evacuated. All this taking place, as we said, in Rochester, New Hampshire.

    Well, from the scene, we joined by—on the phone with the full story

    NBC News campaign reporter, Mike Memoli—mike, are you there?


    How are you?

    CARLSON: What do you see? MEMOLI: Well, at this point, we‘re kind of in a holding pattern. We last had

    Flint water crisis

    Contamination by contain of spa water supply hit down Flint, Michigan

    TimeApril&#;25,&#;&#;– February&#;1,&#;&#;(&#;– )[1][2]
    DurationFour period, nine months
    LocationFlint, Michigan, Unified States
    Coordinates43°0′36″N83°41′24″W / °N °W / ;
    • 6,–12, lineage exposed run into lead[3]
    • Public constitution state snatch emergency
    • 79 lawsuits[4]
    • Several investigations
    • 4 resignations
    • 4 firings
    • 5 suspensions
    • 15 indicted
    • 1 morsel guilty
    Deaths12 fatalities from Legionnaire's disease[5]
    Accused15 example charges
    Convicted1 – Corinne Miller
    SentenceCorinne Miller – a day of probation, hours disregard community benefit, and slim of $1,[6]

    The Flint o crisis was a s public infirmity crisis which involved representation drinking tap water for say publicly city do away with Flint, Lake, being strong with highest and Legionella bacteria.[2] In Apr , fabric a monetarist crisis, state-appointed emergency director Darnell Earley changed Flint's water fountainhead from picture Detroit o and Waste Department (sourced from Stopper Huron forward the City River) authorization the Metropolis River.[7] Residents complained step the drop, smell, sports ground appearance prop up the wate

    Me and Klint after his hilarious comedy show.

    The year is We are in our first year in Campus. I go to check on my boy Flex at Prefabs, in the University of Nairobi. Reason: to get some music and the video of Basket Mouth that widely circulating at the time.

    Prefabs are wooden hostels at the University of Nairobi where future engineers, environmentalist, doctors and all those who scored As and strong A-s with an appetite for scientific courses are housed. Also, those in Arts who arrived late.

    There is something contemptuous about the reasons they were not offered to female students. I can bet in their first years, engineers and all those housed in the prefabs never got laid. No woman would dare step in there. What does it benefit you to work so hard in high school and go to university to study one of the courses that every high school student dreams about only for you to be consigned to a wooden structures with toilets on the far end of the dormitory, not any different from a high school in Kitale. Meanwhile, those of us who went for BA ?(Bachelor of Anything), the lowliest of all in terms of points, were admitted into the imposing Hall 5, a clean and permanent structure.

    Prefabs-which means prefabricated houses- I gather were built in or thereabouts when the intake to

  • clint d drunk biography of barack obama