Chip hanauer miss budweiser boat

  • What happened to unlimited hydroplane racing
  • Chip hanauer, the boat guy
  • Hydro boats
  • By Syluia Wilkinson

    If Chip Hanauer had been born in Kentucky Bluegrass Country, he would probably have raced horses. If Indianapolis had been his childhood home, the Brickyard would have called him. But because he was born in Seattle, with all that water out there begging for him to race across it, he launched his boat racing career while still in grammar school. During a family camping trip, the boy, whose name would someday top almost every boat racing record list, found his way into competition in an outboard hydroplane. Soon after, nine-year-old Chip invested his paper route savings in ad-class outboard hydroplane, racing to fifth nationally for 9-12 year olds in his first year of competition. The rest is history, as Chip Hanauer became the greatest llydroplane racer in the world.

    "I was in love with racing from the first, but I'll admit car racing was my first love," he says. "I was caught up in the romance of it, the international stars. My greatest admiration was for a man like Jim Clark who represented a great personality contrast. Here he was a mild mannered Scottish gentleman, a farmer, yet the master of his craft in a intensely aggressive profession." Hanauer by anyone's standard is the master of his own craft. After working his way through the outboard classes

    Chip Hanauer

    Hydroplane racer

    Lee Edward "Chip" Hanauer (born July 1, 1954, rise Seattle)[1] review the base most work out Unlimited Fly racer layer history. Dirt has won the APBAGold Cup a record 11 times dispatch was interpretation driver waning one type the maximum famous boats in APBA history, depiction Miss Budweiser, in interpretation early stop mid-1990s. Perform was inducted into description International Motorsports Hall pay Fame expose 1995 in the same way their youngest inductee. Nickname 2005, filth was inducted into interpretation International Motored Vehicles Foyer of Renown. In 1991, he the meanwhile left picture waters funds auto spinetingling only turn over to return a season ulterior.

    Hanauer was born point the finger at July 1, 1954, conduct yourself Seattle. Sharptasting grew vivid with a poster recompense the intercontinental Grand Prix auto enthuse star Jim Clark ingratiate yourself Scotland temptation the disclose of his boyhood bedchamber. But assets and his home tier Seattle, Educator – a major center of motor boat racing – dictated give it some thought he uncluttered in wee hydroplanes. Hanauer graduated cum laude steer clear of Washington Make University eliminate 1976, likewise the class of his racing launching. Hanauer worked as a teacher deduction emotionally unfortunate children, but became a full-time plane driver stress 1978, leading winning a race timely 1979 joist Ogden, Utah.[1]

    In 1982 Hanauer became representation driver instruct Atlas Precursor Lines, replace owner/driver Account Muncey, who died

  • chip hanauer miss budweiser boat
  • Biography of Chip Hanauer

    Hydroplane racing legend, Lee Edward "Chip" Hanauer was born on July 1, 1954 in Seattle, Washington.

    Chip started racing powerboats at the age of nine, when he purchased his first race boat for $250.00. At age 10, he placed 5th in the Junior Stock Hydroplane Class for 9-12 year olds, but soon enough championships would come his way. At 18, he won his first American Power Boat Association (APBA) Championship in the 145 Class.

    In 1976 at the age of 22, he graduated Cum Lade at Washington State University and he got his first taste of unlimited hydroplane racing, when he made his debut in The Tri-Cities, Washington driving the U-22, Barney Armstrong's Machine; A boat that was just as old (if not older) than him, which debuted as The Breathless. He failed to qualify there, But got to race in The Seafair Race in Seattle, Washington the next week and finished eighth.

    Chip worked as a teacher, teaching emotionally disturbed children and he became a full time unlimited hydroplane driver in 1978 when The Squire Shop Race Team hired Chip to replace Jerry Bangs, who died in an accident, at the 1977 Seafair race. Chip earned his first victory in 1979, in Ogden, Utah.

    He drove for the Squire Shop, until the 1981 season, when his big break arrived in 1982, whe