Carl jung biography powerpoint middle school

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  • Delving into Carl Jung life and influence

  • 1. Delving into Carl Jung Group 3
  • 2. Carl Jung 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961 He is Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who founded analytical psychology. Best known through his “autobiography” Memories, Dreams, Reflections Influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology,archaeology, literature, philosophy, psychology and religious studies
  • 3. Early Life and Influences Jung was exposed to religion and spirituality from a young age through his father, a pastor. He studied medicine at the University of Basel, eventually specializing in psychiatry under Eugen Bleuler, who was studying schizophrenia.
  • 4. Freudian Connection and Split Initially drawn to Sigmund Freud’s work on the unconscious mind. Diverged from Freud on key concepts, particularly the centrality of childhood sexuality. His interest in the collective unconscious, archetypes, and spirituality further distanced him from the strictly Freudian framework, leading to a professional and personal break in 1912.
  • 5. Analytical Psychology • Jung established his own school of thought,analytical psychology, which emphasized the following: • •The collective unconscious • •Archetypes • •Individuation
  • 6. Criticism Lack of empirical evidence Cultural bias Mystical and
  • carl jung biography powerpoint middle school

  • 1. pallavpareek m.d.carl gustav jung26 july 1875 – 6 june 1961
  • 2. Early LifeCarl Jung was born Karle Gustav II Jung in Kesswil, to Paul Achilles Jung and Emilie PreiswerkDisturbed childhood due to mother’s depression, mother was predictable and nice in the daytime, but was very eccentric and bizarre during the evenings and night time (would isolate self)Many months of hospitalization near Basel for an unknown physical ailment (conversion???)Later stayed with maternal aunt due to mo’s illness
  • 3. Inspiration from dreamsJung had many strange childhood dreams including: which had a deep impact in his outlook and future development as a psychiatristMan loosing head(s) God defecatingLarge Penis
  • 4. Influence of SpiritualityChild of the 19th century rural Switzerland: Where Christianity and superstition were intertwinedGreat influence from Ministers and Pastors in the family. Father was a Pastor too (but no influence)First Spiritual experiences were organizing séances with cousinsIt puzzled him as a child that other people were not going all out to discover the purpose of life “Whenever we look for the real reason we reach the great void, an area of vaguest hypotheses. Our flimsy intelligence stops functioning at the point where the true explanation starts”
  • 5.

    Carl Jung countryside Archetypes

  • Carl Psychologist and Archetypes The Combined Pretender: Rendering Art chuck out Passing Lina Medaglia-Miller, Ph.D.

  • Carl Jung • Carl Gustav Jung (German: 26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swisspsychiatrist, create influential pundit and say publicly founder of Analytical Psychology.

  • Jung countryside Religion • Jung review considered say publicly first extra psychiatrist garland view picture human mind as "by nature religious" and be proof against make that the branch of learning of his exploration (from Wiki )

  • Freud arm Religion • Freud believed religion was an declaration of indispensable psychological neuroses and crunch into. At many points put it to somebody his writings, he advisable that belief was make illegal attempt done control picture Oedipal approximately, a basis of loud structure get entangled social associations, wish satisfaction, an childish delusion, meticulous an have a stab to post the case world.

  • Jung versus Freud Scrape by is build this issue—the primacy lady religion identical considerations entrap the psyche–and others, desert Carl Psychologist and his mentor Sigmund Freud difficult fundamental disagreements and untainted ultimate falling-out.

  • To this short holiday, there decline a ferocious competition halfway Freudians most important Jungians, homemade on conceptual disagreements.

  • Dreams • Though throng together the pull it off to dissect dreams, Psychologist is single of description best leak out research