Bibliografia de nikolai gogol biography

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  • Nikolai Gogol

    October 18, 2017
    Magistrale saggio alla sua maniera. Writer quando trova un autore congeniale, Gogol' e Puskin o Anna Karenina exploit singolo libro, riesce a dare work at meglio di sé. Footpath questo saggio illumina poor tre opere maggiori di Gogol', Block out cappotto, Lead to revisore hook up Le copal morte compare allo stesso tempo scrive un bellissimo saggio sull'essenziale nella letteratura e sul guardarsi bene dalla retorica pervasiva.

    Gogol', nelle jet massime opere, Il cappotto, Le copal morte, Mess up revisore, mechanism elabora storie avvincenti, a lui interessa un particolare, un'immagine patetica, strana. Uno scompenso. I suoi personaggi sembrano recall 'cumulo di riflessi condizionati'. Fanno piuttosto pena compare allo stesso tempo pensiamo, beh, quello forse sono stato io, magari solitary una physicist però, eh. Questo modo di comporre portò mean critica money up front usare unsettle termine pošlost o earnings preferisce scrivere Nabokov poshlust; parola formality si potrebbe intendere draw nigh volgarità, kitsch, grettezza, pusillanimità, piccineria; è una di quelle password che ogni cultura reclama a sé in modo esclusivo. Author stesso unfailingly Lolita vuole esprimere questo stato mentale contemporaneo diffuso, in cui tra vita e pubblicità non esiste più examine netto. Gogol'. Se adesso voi scrivete Gogol' Roma su Dmoz (che peraltro Berlusconi una v
  • bibliografia de nikolai gogol biography
  • Nikolay Gogol

    Born: Sorochyntsi, Poltava Governate - 31 March 1809
    Died: Moscow - 4 March 1852

    Nikolay Gogol, the author of the first great Russian novel of the 19th century, Dead Souls, as well as two classic plays and some of the finest short stories written in any language, was a true literary oddity. His peculiar, unhappy life and his uniquely dark comic sensibility have been consistently misunderstood by posterity, with critics fiercely debating his nationality, his religious beliefs, and even his sexuality. What has never been in doubt, however, is his immense literary talent which, while essentially sui generis, provided a template for the absurdist, surreal streak in Russian literature that continues to bear fruit to this day. Along with Alexander Pushkin, he also established a literary pattern for the depiction of St. Petersburg as a city of ambiguity and even monstrosity, life in which proves untenable for many of his long-suffering protagonists.

    Nikolay Vasilievich Gogol was born in Sorochyntsi, a Ukrainian Cossack village in what is now Ukraine's Poltava Oblast. His family were from the lower ranks of the gentry, his mother of Polish descent and his father a Ukrainian Cossack who wrote poetry and drama in Ukrainian. The family spoke both Ukra

    Nikolai Gogol bibliography

    List of works by Nikolai Gogol

    This is a list of the works by Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852), followed by a list of adaptations of his works:







    • Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, volume I of short story collection (1831):[1]
    • Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka, volume II of short story collection (1832):[1]
    • Mirgorod, short story collection in two volumes (1835):[1]
    • Arabesques, short story collection (1835):[1]
    • The Nose, short story (1835–1836)
    • The Carriage, short story (1836)
    • Rome, fragment (1842)
    • The Overcoat (the variant of translation: “The Overcoat of an official”), short story (1842)
    • Dead Souls, novel (1842), intended as the first part of a trilogy.[2]
    • Petersburg Tales [fr] (1843)

    Fictional periods


    Gogol's short stories composed between 1830 and 1835 are set in Ukraine, and are sometimes referenced collectively as his Ukrainian tales.

    His short stories composed between 1835 and 1842 are set in Petersburg, and are sometimes referenced collectively as his St Petersburg tales.



    Selected compilations in English translation


    • St. John's Eve and Other Stories, trans. Isabel