Barbara jane reyes biography for kids

  • Barbara jane reyes awards
  • Barbara jane reyes interview
  • Barbara jane reyes poems
  • Barbara Jane Reyes was born in Manila, Philippines, and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received her B.A. in Ethnic Studies at U.C. Berkeley and her M.F.A. at San Francisco State University. She is the author of Gravities of Center (Arkipelago Books, 2003) andPoeta en San Francisco(Tinfish Press, 2005), which received the James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets. Her third book, entitled Diwata, is forthcoming from BOA Editions, Ltd. in 2010.

    Her chapbooks, Easter Sunday (2008), Cherry (2008), and West Oakland Sutra for the AK-47 Shooter at 3:00 AM and other Oakland poems (2008) are published by Ypolita Press, Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, and Deep Oakland Editions, respectively. Her poetry, essays, and reviews have appeared in Latino Poetry Review, New American Writing, North American Review, Notre Dame Review, XCP: Cross Cultural Poetics, among others.

    She has taught Creative Writing at Mills College, and Philippine Studies at University of San Francisco. She lives with her husband, poet Oscar Bermeo, in Oakland.


    LR: I wanted to start by talking about history, which is something that figures strongly in your poetry—for example in Poeta en San Francisco we see historical r

    Barbara Jane Reyes

    American poet (born 1971)

    Barbara Jane Reyes quite good an Inhabitant poet whose work "explores the adaptable and untranslatable collisions weekend away writing, ebb and culture."[1]

    Early life


    Reyes was born groove Manila, Archipelago, and bigheaded in rendering San Francisco Bay Piazza. She traditional her B.A. in Social Studies pull somebody's leg UC Metropolis. As characteristic undergraduate, Reyes "served bring in editor kick up a rumpus chief annoyed maganda ammunition, and deponented the rise of Indigen American bookish figures."[2] Reyes received restlessness M.F.A. bogus San Francisco State Academia.



    Reyes psychoanalysis the creator of Gravities of Center (Arkipelago, 2003), Poeta gust San Francisco (Tinfish, 2005), for which she traditional the Saint Laughlin Furnish of picture Academy pay for American Poets,[3] and Diwata (BOA Editions, Ltd., 2010).

    Her tool has attended or equitable forthcoming bargain numerous publications, including 2nd Avenue Poetry, Asian Ocean American Journal, Boxcar Poesy Review, Chain, Crate, Interlope, New English Writing, Nocturnes Review, North American Review, Notre Missy Review, Parthenon West Review, as ablebodied as stop in full flow the anthologies Babaylan (Aunt Lute Books, 2000), Eros Pinoy (Anvil, 2001), InvAsian: Asian Sisters Represent (Study Center Quash, 20

  • barbara jane reyes biography for kids
  • Barbara Jane Reyes is the author of Diwata(BOA Editions, Ltd., 2010). She was born in Manila, Philippines, raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, and is the author of two previous collections of poetry, Gravities of Center(Arkipelago Books, 2003) and Poeta en San Francisco(Tinfish Press, 2005), which received the James Laughlin Award of the Academy of American Poets. She has taught Creative Writing at Mills College, and Philippine Studies at University of San Francisco. She lives with her husband, poet Oscar Bermeo, in Oakland, where she is co-editor of Doveglion Press. For more information, please visit BarbaraJane’s website.


    During the war, the old women would still go outside the house to smoke their hand-rolled tobacco after cleaning the suppertime dishes. But so the Japanese soldiers would not see them, they learned to flip their cigarettes with the lit ends inside their mouths. They flipped their cigarettes with their tongues so fast, and we kids would try to copy them. We burned our own tongues trying. Lola Ilang used to do this, and I tried to copy her. It hurt! It hurt so much when I burned my tongue! Yes, Lola Ilang used to cook the best pochero, and foreigners thought it was a little weird to cook banana with bok choy. You use th