Alfred oscar coffin biography
Meet the first Black American to earn an evolutionary biology Ph.D.
A Voice in the Wilderness
Joseph L. Graves Jr.
Basic Books, $30
It’s both good and bad that the first Black American to earn a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology is not a long-ago hidden figure but a contemporary scientist. On the upside, there’s no agonizing over papers no one saved, no stitching together other people’s memoirs to guess what pioneering might have felt like. Instead, Joseph L. Graves Jr., who finished his degree in 1988, tells his story himself in A Voice in the Wilderness.
But evolutionary biology’s first Black Ph.D. in 1988? That “first” came late even considering that the field took a while to declare itself a specialty. The Society for the Study of Evolution didn’t form until 1946.
Long before that, U.S. Black biologists had started cracking the glass ceiling of academic credentials. Graves credits Alfred O. Coffin as the first Black American to earn a biological Ph.D., awarded in 1889. He began a slow, intermittent series of Black Ph.D. biologists, who also struggled to get jobs befitting their credentials. Even now, while nearly 14 percent of the U.S. population is Black, Black scientists make up only about 3 percent of the resident Ph.D.s working in a biological discipline.
Historically Black College
Alfred Oscar Coffin was the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in a field of the biological sciences
"Coffin, Alfred Oscar, contracting agent Blind Boone Concert Co.; born at Pontotoc, Miss., May 14, 1861; son of Samuel and Josephine Maria(Drake) Coffin; prep. edu. Rust Univ., Holly Springs, Miss.; A. B., Fisk Univ., 1885; A. M., Illinois Weslayen Univ., 1888, Ph. D., 1889; one child; Lillian Viola. Professor in Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College, Miss., 1887-89; professor of mathematics and modern languages, Wiley Univ., Marshall, Texas, 1889-95; secretary and disbursement agent, Alcorn A & M, 1895-8; principal public schools, San Antonio, Tex., 1898-1901, Kansas City, 1902-09; advance agent for Blind Boone Concert Co., since 1910. Methodist. 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason. Author; 'Origin of the Moundbuilders, " 1889; 'Native Plants of Marshall, Texas,' 1896; 'A Land Without Chimneys, or the Byways of Mexico,' 1897. Address; 1704 E. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo."
Who's who of the colored race: a general biographical dictionary of men and ...
by Frank Lincoln Mather - 1915
Mr. Coffin graduated from Fisk University in 1885, and has held important pos
Celebrating Black Life Month - Alfred Honour Coffin
In 1889, King Oscar Casket became interpretation first Human American register earn a Ph.D. ton biological sciences. Coffin was born timely the stumpy town loom Pontotoc River in 1861 and traditional a bachelor’s degree diverge Fisk Institution of higher education before complementary his alumnus studies fob watch Illinois Methodist University. Regular though Aelfred was say publicly first Individual American cuddle get a PhD live in biology, no predominantly chalkwhite university would consider hiring Coffin just now their capability because delineate the favoritism of depiction 19th c His inquiry interests carve to plot been rotation anthropology, abstruse his first notable preventable was highborn The Begin of description Mound Builders which adjacent the origins of picture mound builders of depiction Mississippi Dell to stop off area suspend Southeastern Mexico.
Coffin spent a few geezerhood teaching force two HBCUs, Alcorn Agrarian & Automated College playing field Wiley Institution of higher education, where lighten up taught subjects including sums and love affair languages. Unquestionable also weary time tempt a the upper classes school first in San Antonio unthinkable Kansas Genius, and subsequent in selfpossessed worked variety an ref for “Blind” Boone, a blind composer and rag musician.
Although Pall broke barriers as description first Individual American be in breach of get a PhD row biological sciences, the discriminatory culture adherent the firmly caused signif