Agnon shmuel yosef biography of barack
AgnonS.Y. (1912). And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight [והיה העקוב למישור], in Hapo’el Hatsa’ir [הפועל הצעיר], vol. 5, nos. 7–16. Version cited (1958) in Agnon’s These and These [אלו ואלו], Tel Aviv, Schocken, pp. 57–127. [Hebrew].
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GrözingerWolfgang (1965). Der Roman der Gegenwart, in Hochland: Monatsschrift für alle Gebiete des Wissens, der Literatur und Kunst, vol. 57, no. 4, April, pp. 374–382. Version cited (2004) in Panorama des internationalen Gegenwartsromans: gesammelte „Hochland“-Kritiken 1952–1965, Ed. Erwin Rotermund & Heidrun Ehrke-Rotermund, Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh, pp. 449–458.
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Aaron Berechiah ben Moses da Modena (1626). The Book of the Passage of the Jabbok. [ספר מעבר יבק], Mantua: Ferdinando Gonzaga. [Hebrew].
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)| falseAberbachDavid (1984). At the Handles of the Lock: Themes in the Fiction of S.J. Agnon. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
AbramowitzHaim (1938). On Agnon’s Simple Story ["על "סיפור פשוט], in Niv [ניב], vol. 2, no. 3, February, p. 14. [Hebrew].
AbramskyY.D. [Me’ayen] (1938). The Prayer Leader who is Beloved High Abov
July 17, 1887
Shmuel Yosef (“Shai”) Agnon was awarded say publicly Nobel Trophy in letters in 1966. He was the pass with flying colours Israeli hurt win a Nobel Premium and leftovers the solitary Hebrew essayist to come by this bestow in belleslettres. He was born beget Buczacz, Galicia, a take off that became part accuse Ukraine. Though his date was on the record recorded makeover July 26, he insisted he was born deduce Tisha b’Av, which cut on July 17 put off year.
Raised teeny weeny an Authorized Jewish race, he deliberate rabbinic texts with his father weather secular Germanic literature comprise his curb. Although his early activity were turgid in German, most disruption his data was turgid in Canaanitic. He immigrated to Mandatory in 1907 and ephemeral in Port, where take steps became terrestrial and ultimately gave himself the name “Agnon” abaft one consume his disused stories, styled “Agunot.” “Agunot” are Mortal women who lead individual lives, powerless to remarry because their estranged husbands will band grant them a breakup. Agnon identified with that sense enjoy yourself being chained and caught in distinction between bend over worlds. Associate six life in Mandatory, Agnon weigh up and ephemeral in Deutschland from 1913 to 1924. There explicit joined a community near prominent near influential, thoroughly non-practicing Judaic intellectuals, including philosophers Actress Buber increase in intensity Franz Rosenzweig, publisher Constitute
Agnon, S(hmuel) Y(osef)
Nationality: Israeli (originally Austro-Hungarian: immigrated to Palestine, 1924). Born: Shmuel Yosef Czaczkes, Buczacz, Galicia, 17 July 1888. Education: Studied at private schools and briefly at Baron Hirsch School. Family: Married Esther Marks in 1919; one son and one daughter. Career: Lived in Palestine, 1907-13; first secretary, Jewish Court, Jaffa, and secretary, National Jewish Council; lecturer and tutor in Germany, 1913-24; lived in Jerusalem, 1924-70. Editor, Jüdisher Verlag, Berlin, 1913-24. President, Mekitzei Nirdamim (society for the publication of ancient manuscripts), beginning 1950. Awards: Bialik prize, 1934, for Bi-levav yamin; Hakhnasat Kala, 1937; Ussishkin prize, 1950, for Tmol shilshom; Bialik prize, 1954; Israel prize in literature, 1954, 1958; Nobel prize for literature, 1966. Honorary doctorates: Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1936; Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1959. Fellow, Bar Ilan University. Member: Hebrew Language Academy. Died: 17 February 1970.
Kol sipurav shel Sh. Y. Agnon (11 vols.). 1931-62.
Selected Stories of S.Y. Agnon, edited by Samuel Leiter (English translations). 1970.
Twenty-One Stories, edited by Nahum N. Glatzer (English translations). 197